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Nar-Anon Family Groups
"I Can Be Free" Group

Hope and Help for Families and Friends of Addicts

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Online Virtual Meeting

I Can Be Free - Fridays, 6:00 PM
Video / Teleconference Meeting Only

By conscience of the group, the "I Can Be Free" group is now a permanent online virtual meeting.

Meeting is Open to All

This is an open meeting; we welcome visitors seeking information about Nar-Anon as well as newcomers and members of Nar-Anon.

Open Group Commitments

Every group ought to be self-supporting. Our program is based in part on rotation of leadership. The following commitment opportunities are currently available.

  • Secretary
  • Group Service Representative
  • Zoom Host
  • Outreach Coordinator

If you are interested in any of these service opportunities, please reach out to Scott N.,, before or after the Zoom meeting.

Directions on How to Join the Meeting

At the time of the meeting, you may click on "Use this Button to Join the Meeting without a Password" button below to open the meeting room. Using this link does not require a password.

If you decide to call into the meeting, you will need to use one of the Dial-in Numbers below, then when prompted, enter the Meeting ID followed by a hash-tag (#).

Dial-in Numbers

Try calling the numbers below. If it is busy, try the next and so on.

(669) 900-6833
(346) 248-7799
(253) 215-8782
(301) 715-8592
(312) 626-6799
(929) 436-2866

Meeting ID: 745 977 7458 # (this is not a phone number)

Password: This meeting has no password.

Meeting Formats and Readings

Meeting Formats

  1. Week One (PDF)
  2. Week Two (PDF)
  3. Week Three (PDF)
  4. Week Four (PDF)
  5. Week Five (PDF)

Meeting Readings

  1. Twelve Steps of Nar-Anon
  2. Twelve Traditions of Nar-Anon
  3. Twelve Concepts of Nar-Anon Service
  4. Tools of the Program (PDF)

The remainder of the meeting readings can be found in the Nar-Anon Blue Book, which can be ordered from the Nar-Anon World Service web store, or in eBook on your favorite platform: Ibooks, Kindle, and Nook.

Nar-Anon Birthday Celebration

This meeting celebrates Nar-Anon birthdays for each year of recovery, which began when you started attending Nar-Anon. We celebrate birthdays on the fourth Friday of every month. Please sign-up on the Birthday sheet linked below.

Birthday Sign-up Sheet (Google Sheet)

Business Meeting Assets

The next quarterly business meeting will be held on Friday, April 18, 2025, after the regular meeting.

Technical Support Links

Zoom Technical Support

Use the Contact Form if you need assistance

We suggest you park in the lower portion of the lot. We meet in room 3. You will see a small yellow free-standing sign in the walkway by the parking lot. The meeting room has wheelchair access and service animals are welcome.

  • Trinity Lutheran is located at the blue square on the map below.

Nar-Anon is not affiliated with Trinity Lutheran.